Sunday Women's LIFE Group (10:45am)
- For all women who desire to build relationships, learn, grow, and support one another in our walk with God. Sermon Seconds (10:45am)
- For all adults who like to discuss and go deeper on the Sermon that Sunday. This is a great place to connect with others in God's Word! Home LIFE Group (1st & 3rd Sundays, 6 pm)
- Pastor Paul & Joan invite others to join them in prayer & Bible study @ their home. |
WeekdaysMen On Fire For God LIFE Group (Tuesday, 6:30 pm)
- This is a time for us to build one another up through God's word. We spend time each week going over a section of scripture, sharing what it means for our lives, and supporting one another through prayer. Men, you don't want to miss it! Adult LIFE Group (Wednesday, 5:30 pm & 7 pm)
- Join us as we take a closer look at some important truths of the Christian faith. We will be studying: Got Questions? The Bible has the answers! Women's Bible Study/Prayer Group (2nd & 4th Fridays, 8:15-9:45 am)
- For all women who desire to build relationships, learn, grow, and support one another in our walk with God. We will be going through the "Abide" study by Jen Wilkin, studying 1, 2, 3 John. Youth Events (Check The Youth Page For Info)
© 2024 Faith Alliance Church.
Faith Alliance Church
301 East Main Street Sidney, MT 59270 |